Happy Vishu!!

Namaste ! Wishing all a very Happy Vishu , the Malayalam New Year and a Tamil New Year as well! May this New Year bring every one, every kind of happiness, joy and prosperity! Tadasthu! So, it is! Best Swaroopa 🌺 Happy Vishu Image credits - Pixabay.com From now onwards, I planning to write every now and then, when inspiration strikes, so that I can concentrate more on my store, business, and spiritual mentoring/ astrological services. No, I am not stopping the blog. But the next leg in my journey of business and entrepreneurship is demanding my attention. As all of you may have guessed by now, I do have some spiritual gifts that I want to share with clients and customers. Order a reading and see how I can help to transform or transmute your thoughts and mental aspirations to newer and more wider panoramic perspectives. You and I will together figure out newer paths, perspectives and idea forms. Once more, wishing all a Very Happy Vishu - Best, Swaroopa 🌺 Next post: Lunar ...