Saturn/Shani - Astrologically speaking!

Hello all,

Namaste! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! May this year bring all of us opportunities to work on our heart's desire, life path, and life purpose. Last week we discussed how we can put our mind's focus and intention to capture the fresh energy of a new year. Today how about we revert back to some Astrology after having weeks of rendezvous with Philosophy. Let us dissect the astrological basis for our judge planet, Saturn.

In the previous post, 'Shani - A friend or a foe?' we discussed the Mythology and how Shani as a divine being had to put the utmost effort to bring his value and honor up to par with the other Grahas and later how he also got the Iswara (God) status. Today let us discuss what energy he (Because in Vedic Mythology he is discussed as a male, here also we will do so.) brings to the horoscope and how we can best put his energy to work for our life. 

Saturn with its rings
By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Time and Effort: According to what my understanding is, Shani as per Vedic Astrology represents the 'Time' in its true sense. How can we elaborate the concept of time? See, once we are born into this physical existence all of us become bound by time as long as we are inhabiting this physical body. What is time anyway? It is the day and night represented in case of the rotation of the earth. In case of a human, it is the time we need to grow up once we are born to become a young adult/adult to start working on our true purpose or the choice for our life. In case of a business or entrepreneurship, it is the time we need to work on a venture to bring it up to its true existence. So Shani or Saturn in Vedic Astrology is the literal time we need to work on anything to truly bring it into being.

Shani shows the effort and work we need to put into something keeping in mind the time factor that binds the venture. According to Shani anything of value needs time, effort and work. Also in another sense any thing will only work when the correct circumstance or the correct time comes, whether it is our career, venture or an enterprise. In another word, Shani becomes the restriction of time placed on us so that we put in the needed effort and time. Shani also represents the discipline and the time-tested effort we need to take to bring something into reality. So Shani also represents very much our earth or material realm, while most of the other Grahas represents the qualities which using Shani we can turn into a tangible physical reality.

Let us elaborate on an example. Say there is a brilliant artist who has fantastic, beautiful ideas. The ideas are usually the gift of the Graha Jupiter (Guru) and the beauty or aesthetics associated with it is given by Venus (Shukra). Say the artist has an idea for a painting.. But if the painter doesn't take an easel, take the paints and start painting on the easel the idea just remains an idea in his/her mind. Shani is the Graha who helps the painter to take the easel, make an outline, take the paintbox and start painting. Without the time and effort represented by Shani, the idea just remains as an idea in the painter's mind. 

The Judge: Shani becomes a foe only to a person who is lazy or does not want to put the work or effort towards bringing his/her idea to fruition. Once a person is not ready to put in the time and effort then Shani becomes the tough taskmaster. Shani is the Graha who first gives us the tests or experiences and later asks us to think about the tests and learn the lessons. In Astrology, Shani is the Karmakaraka (Karma - work, Karaka - Significator). If we are not willing to do our Karma or our work in this life, is it good to criticise Shani who signifies the Karma or the work we are supposed to do with our life? (Just a note, the Karma here we are mentioning emcompasses much more than our career. Career is just a significant part of our life's work. Even duties towards our friends and families come in the realm of Karma).

So to persons who are not willing to do their Karma assigned to their life, Shani becomes the strict judge and gives the punishment they deserve for their negligence towards their work.This can be in the form of sufferings at another person's hand, depression and dejection or unable to do a work which is not really part of their Karma. Also because a person is not doing the work assigned to them (Yes, each one of us has an assigned task very unique to us which we are supposed to co-create with the divine. Only we need to find it and start working towards it, which is, of course, the puzzle each one of us is provided ;-)), Shani starts putting obstacles and hindrances to the path that person took on his/her own accord. This creates huge frustrations and irritations to the person when he/she is not able to do the work, which is another way of bringing the person back to their life path, as they have to stop what they are doing and start thinking and reflecting on what they are supposed to do.

This is how Shani becomes the judge. He inspects what we are doing with our life, brings in tough experiences so that we clean up the messes we created with our life, whether it is people, circumstances or perspectives and gives us the needed discipline and structure we need to have a good life in this earthly realm.

Honesty: Another area that is signified by Saturn is the honesty we have towards ourselves and others. Shani as such was considered a very honest person in Mythology. So he appreciates the honesty we display towards ourselves and to others. Honesty in the sense of keeping our promises, making only promises that we can keep and never taking advantage or use another person for our agendas. Basically to lead a virtuous life while keeping the promises we made to ourselves and to others. This way we don't have to put on a mask on our faces and our authentic Self can shine through. Only when the authentic Self  is allowed to shine, Shani becomes our greatest friend.

But to others who put on the mask of a persona and hides the true Self, Shani becomes the fear incarnate. Oh, forgot to mention, at the lower vibrations Shani signifies every kind of fear, whether it is about a person, a situation or even our inner demons (;-)). An honest and authentic person has nothing to fear. He/She has not taken advantage of anyone, has not given any empty promises or has not become lazy to do their sacred life purpose and are taking actions towards a disciplined and structured life. What does he/she has to fear? Shani becomes the greatest ally to them.

Now let us discuss the houses Shani rules. He rules two houses according to Vedic Astrology. They are the house of Capricorn (Makara) and house of Aquarius (Kumbha). These houses have qualities as different as day and night. One shows how discipline and structure work in our lives and the other shows actually once we know the boundaries we can expand the boundaries and become literally limitless and to think the same planet that signifies restriction and bondage rule both these houses, how paradoxical!

Capricorn (Makara): When we start from Aries as the first house Capricorn becomes the tenth house. Tenth house in a natural horoscope (a horoscope house system where the first house is taken as Aries) is the house of career, one's standing in the society and public recognition. Remember, the 'Karma karaka' we discussed before? The owning of the tenth house of Capricorn by Shani literally shows that Shani is very important when the discussion of career and public standing in the world comes. What does a person need to have a great career? He/She needs the discipline to take an idea, put in the hard labor and grit to bring that idea truly into the physical existence. The physical realm also is signified by Saturn.

Now, what does the sign Capricorn represents? It literally represents the business and corporate world. Isn't it a paradox, the Graha that signifies restriction also signifies the house that symbolizes the corporate world? But then remember how does a business or a corporate house come into existence in the first place? It is by taking a concept or an idea and bringing it into the physical world through grit and grime. Also because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, a person who has a strong Capricorn house in their chart or a strong Saturn have an innate knowledge of the value of money and material things, nobody has to teach them the real value of a property or an asset.

But because Saturn rules this house, persons with a strong Capricorn are people who forget that life can be fun and festive as well. Even during young age they will show an inborn maturity and are always ready to shoulder the responsibilities. If we need a loyal friend, then Capricorn is the best person to have. They may not come hang out at the parties, say jokes or have a beer get together with us. But they will be the one carrying boxes and cartons when we have to make a move, the one offering us a bed in case we are in town to attend an engagement and the one carrying food to the hospital in case we had a surgery or a mishap. And don't ever try to make them laugh with a joke, as they have more serious businesses and matters to take care and they don't have time to waste on a joke.

Capricorn (The Mountain Goat)
By Walter Siegmund (Own work) , CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons

Due to the deliberate, consistent and responsible way a Capricorn captures his/her material world, this house is represented by a Mountain goat (Some places it is also represented as a Sea-goat with a tail). It is sure-footed and is not afraid of the heights and is deliberate in going up the mountains. The same way a Capricorn knows his/her path, is sure footed on the decisions they take and are not afraid of the peaks of the business or corporate world. They will only stop once they reach the top of the mountain from where they can see the whole landscape whether of the valley or of their business empire. Because of this disciplined approach towards their life and career they are well suited to be in the C-Suite or be the CEO.

Aquarius (Kumbha): This is the other sign ruled by Saturn. Here we can see this sign taking a 180-degree turn from Capricorn.This is the eleventh sign of the natural zodiac. The sign represents huge networks and friend circle. Here Saturn is not ruling a loner like a mountain goat. Remember, we discussed how Saturn shows us our restrictions and boundaries. Once we are very aware of our boundaries, in Aquarius we are asked to expand our boundaries so that the whole world of earthly realm comes inside that boundary.

So Aquarius is a very expansive sign. While Capricorn signifies the earth or the material element, Aquarius signifies the air element. Air as an element is the realm of ideas, perceptions, comprehensions and imaginations. Here Shani takes on an entirely different persona and asks us to break our boundaries, become expansive in our thought process and include the whole world in our friend and network circle. See, how we misinterpret Shani many times. He asks us to know our boundaries in the earth realm and then have the ideas that can help us to go above and beyond that restriction. What does an Entrepreneur do? First, he /she has to have a problem or a restriction. Later they come up with an idea to solve the restriction or the problem and make their mark in the world. So Aquarius many times is the realm of small businesses or entrepreneurship to start with, which can later become a world wide phenomenon with the help of friends and network circles.

Aquarius ( The man pouring water from a jug)
By Unknown author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The symbol denoting Aquarius is a lady/man pouring water out of a jug or a Kumbha.This Kumbha can be metaphorically considered as the pot carrying the divine knowledge or the spark (water).The person (Entrepreneur or a speculator) carrying the Kumbha (jug) is helping the divine idea or the spark to spread far and wide so that it becomes useful to everyone not to just a particular person or a group. (I am of the opinion that ideas, sparks, and imaginations are divine and come to us from some other higher realm). So someone who has a very strong Kumbha house will most probably walk the path of being an entrepreneur, teacher, leader or a mass inspirational person.

The only problem Aquarius has is many times they are so expansive the ideas remain as ideas and they are not able to put the grit of labor to bring the ideas into physical existence as a Capricorn is able to do. But then if there is a  strong Capricorn friend to help or the Aquarius person has very strong Capricorn placement, using divine ideas or sparks he/she is able to put a flag at the top of a mountain that is as wide as the World!

So these are a few of the characters of Saturn / Capricorn / Aquarius that we can elaborate with Astrology. But then every Astrologer will have their own thousand perspectives, so this write up is not at all exhaustive. Hope this note helped to showcase the true nature of Shani through the eyes of Astrology, a brilliant father figure who is strict but very loving so that his earthly human kids become their Authentic Self and capture their true personal power with all its shining glory and splendor!

I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Sade-Sati - Should we be terrorized by it? - Part1

Images taken from Wikimedia Commons.

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried". 

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SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.


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