Life - The power of our intentions!

Hello all,

Namaste! Hope all of you had a good week where you were able to use your powerful thoughts for exactly the things you want to manifest in your life. Last week we discussed the 'Power of the mind'. How the mind can be used powerfully to capture the very exact things we want in life. Today let us discuss the output the mind produces in the form of thoughts. Many times we are totally confused with our mind, the thoughts and the very essence, us behind it. All these things together become a gooey mess in our mind. Last week we discussed the mind. This week let us start with the thoughts. What are thoughts?  

Let us go to our internet library. According to Wikipedia, 'Thought encompasses a “goal-oriented flow of ideas and associations that lead to a reality-oriented conclusion.”Although thinking is an activity of an existential value for humans, there is no consensus as to how it is defined or understood.' So even though the thought is defined by the above definition, the process of thinking itself has not been clearly understood or there isn't a consensus among researchers, how the thinking works, why we need to be thought or what is the use of the thought process as such.

Such a complicated enigma. Even then 99% of our waking hours we spend on our own thoughts and thinking. Now the thoughts originate in the mind. Remember last week we discussed how to capture our inner Chanakya. Chanakya was very shrewd, sharp, with a mind prowess incomparable. If Chanakya can capture such a mind power, shouldn't many of us also be able to capture the same thing? So what are the factors that are obstructing us from becoming Chanakya for our own life?

Thinking, Man, Rodin, France, Paris
The thinking man by Rodin
I, Satyakamk [GFDL], CC-BY-SA-3.0  or CC BY-SA 2.5, from Wikimedia Commons

Before discussing the thoughts, let us make a metaphorical scenario with the Chanakya story with our own life.

The life driven by Chanakya:  Let us take our life. All of us are living our life by taking care of our everyday affairs, running from one task to another, trying to complete as many tasks as we can by the end of the day. Sometimes, in between this race called life, we figure out our purpose and sometimes we have no clue. Let us bring the Chanakya story into our life. To make sense with this analysis, please read the previous blog post on Chanakya.

At a young age even though Chandragupta was powerful, he himself was not aware of his power. He was a young boy who had an inborn talent for justice, morality, strength, courage, and wisdom. Now to realize his true power, Chanakya had to come into the picture, make him aware of his strength and power. Later with the help of Chanakya, Chandragupta after capturing almost the whole of the subcontinent of India became the emperor, Chandragupta Maurya.

Now let us bring the story of Chanakya into our life, metaphorically. Think that in each of our case, the king Chandragupta Maurya is our physical body. Each one of us has a physical body with many inborn talents like musical capability, sports interests or interest with Philosophy. But we are not fully aware of our talents. We have some inklings that we may have some passions and interests. Now when Chanakya or our mind comes into the picture, we start to realize our true potential and passions. 

Chanakya, Chandragupta, mind, thought, intention
Chanakya, our powerful mind!
See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Here Chanakya is not the random, untackled, all over the place, monkey mind. Chanakya can be considered as the mind, brilliantly aware, sharp, one-pointed, laser-focused on one's vision, determined, disciplined and having the intention to make one's goal a reality. That is the true mind power. Once Chanakya is on board then, we can capture our subcontinent, which is our very life itself, with its competition, conflicts, and rat races.

A powerful mind has the potential to make a person aware of themselves, their talents, their passion and even their very purpose. Once such a powerful mind becomes our friend, who can defeat Chandragupta Maurya, our soul as the physical person in this lifetime? But the obstruction is many times the power of our mind lies very hidden. The Chanakya lying hidden in our mind never awakens. Instead, we have a mind that has a million thoughts, numerous ideas, and countless notions.

Such a mind takes us all over the place, not concentrating on anything but scanning through innumerable facts and figures, dissipating the awesome mental power many of us are provided. So what is one of the culprits that take away our mental power?

The culprit, our thoughts: One of the main culprits to dissipate our mind power are the thoughts. What do we usually do? We think, think and think. But what do we think? We think about the popular culture, the latest trends in fashion, the gossips happening in the movie world, the scandals happening in the news, the conflicts happening in the world, the negatively charged environment we live in, the  stuff happening in our neighborhood, the next hype on the social media and any number of things that cross our mind. Nowadays to add fuel to the fire, the distractions have been multiplied many times by the TV, social media, different platforms on the media, cell phones, iPads, Kindles, tablets and what not.

So what are we really losing here? All these random, relentless thoughts lead us to confusion, chaos, and disarray of the mind. How can a very unfocused mind ever capture its true power? It keeps on bringing us million different thoughts and half the time we live in our mind, making nothing to change anything in our physical reality. Is this how we are supposed to use our mind? Wasting our awesome asset in the pursuit of million different thoughts? Is there any way to capture our mind through the power of our thoughts. Here let us discuss the term 'intention'.

What are intentions? Are they same as the thoughts? According to my understanding intentions are different from our thoughts. Thoughts are the forms of the mind that cross our mind always and can be goal oriented or random. They are fleeting. They come one second and the next second they are gone.

But intentions are different. These are thoughts but driven by the power of the mind. These are focused thoughts that form after much contemplation and reflection. So the thought is just the starting point. Once we give it some power of analysis, it gets transformed into an idea. But an idea is again a thought that has been given some contemplation. But here also the mind power is not fully involved. Once the idea takes shape, then we start contemplating on it and start reflecting on it. In our mind, the idea becomes streamlined, with all the rough edges polished and all the jagged ends are taken care of.

Once a solid idea takes shape, then we have to start thinking about the different angles and the different scenarios it can go through. Whether it is feasible to put the idea into action. Is it crazy, effective or unreliable? Can it be made workable? Is there any way to put it into practice with the ample amount of time, money and effort. All these contemplations change a thought from an idea into intention. So the intention is the same idea that has gone through planning and forethought. 

Once it has gone through this stage and is deemed as effective, workable and efficient, then it is time to take action. At this point where a thought has been changed from an idea into 'a form of committed action on an idea', the particular idea is called an 'intention'. Isn't it very different from a thought or an idea? Here we have already made a commitment towards action.

How are intentions important?  Let me tell you a secret. The whole of the Universe or the 'Brahman' works on the power of the intention. It is the intention that kickstarts the process on anything, whether it is setting up of an organization, finding a company or simply going after one's passion. Now, look at the difference. The thought is just thinking something randomly and wishing or hoping for a change or something. With the Universe or the manifesting principle, in that case, nothing, not a thing happens.

For this type of thought, the Universe responds,"Okay you are thinking, great"! That is it, the process is over. But in the case of the 'intention', even before asking the Universe for anything, we have already committed to the action that needs to be taken to put the intention into practice. So even before asking anything from the divine, we have made a commitment or promise to ourselves, by virtue of which to the divine, (We are part of the divine, so a commitment made to ourselves is a promise made to the divine.) that we are ready to take the needed action on our part to bring the idea into reality. See the difference between a thought, an idea, and an intention?

Once an intention is put forth, we are ready to do the work. The Universe kicks into action. It brings the people, the circumstance and the things needed to put the intention into the 'action mode'. But when the things and people show up, we should be ready to put in the hard work. If we don't keep our end of the promise, the Universe also does not keep its end of the bargain. That is why many of the great ideas don't work out as we human beings are not ready to put in the hard work. This is the concept of  'Co-creation'.

Back to Chanakya: Here once Chanakya took the vow or intention to 'bring the Nanda dynasty to the dust', he already was mentally committed to every action that was needed to put his vow into practice. So exactly as he intended, he was shown a courageous boy Chandragupta, who was able to carry out the needed actions to decimate the Nanda dynasty. Using that boy, his courage and Chanakya's wisdom and shrewdness, Chanakya made alliances and strategies and got the exact goal he wanted- bringing down Nanda dynasty and making Chandragupta the emperor.

So shouldn't we use the awesome power of the mind and intentions to bring what we want for our life? Is it good to use our mind on random thoughts and waste that awesome power we have been given? Many times we do have intentions and use it. But most of the times we are not aware of it, use it randomly and get or not get what we want for ourselves. This is like throwing randomly stones at the Mangoes. If we got a hit, great! But if we missed, there is always the next time.

But instead what should we do? We should look at the Mango tree, find the mango we want, get a nice medium stone that can fly, is not heavy and can do the exact job. Then keeping one eye closed, aim at the Mango at the exact angle and then throw the stone at the staik so that it slices through the stalk and there! our Mango is on the ground! This way every single time we end up with our Mango.

So now the question is, are we ready to capture our intention as Chanakya, the mind and every time end up with our Mango on the ground or use random thoughts to throw stones at every Mango on the tree and end up or not end up with Mangoes? It is always our free will and choice!

Universe, quote, intention, thought, action
Quote on the Universe!
Base image-

I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: Life - Co-creation!

Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons and

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".  

All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.

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SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.


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