Life path!

Hello all,

Namaste! Wishing all a very 'Happy Diwali - Festival of lights!' This week, it was the Hindu festival Diwali, which millions of Hindus celebrate all over the world, lighting diyas (lamps), lighting firecrackers, and wearing new clothes. It is to signify the wealth, health and prosperity we have in our life and thanking the Goddess Mahalaxmi, the Goddess of prosperity for that.

Diwali is called the 'Festival of lights!" What does light here signify? Is it just the literal light of the lamp? Light can be interpreted as many things. We have already discussed it in another post, 'Diwali- Significance of the lamp!' So, I don't want to go into too much detail here. Even then, the light here signifies the knowledge we have within us, that removes the darkness of ignorance.

Diwali, Lights, Mahalaxmi, India, firecrackers, life, path, lifepath
Diwali -The festival of lights!
By Ramnath Bhat from PUNE, India (Pataleshawr Caves Lighting)
[CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What is ignorance? That also many times we have discussed. The ignorance that we are a separate entity from everything, and everyone and even the 'Universal intelligence', Brahman itself. That is the true ignorance. How can we remove this ignorance from our life? Is there any technique or way for that?

What does all this mean? In early 2009, a thought struck me. I was in the middle of my Masters, finishing the research and my third semester. It was extremely hectic with two kids, full time work as a research assistant and above that a graduate student. Mornings started at 4.30am and ended many times at 1.30am. As I was pursuing Masters with research, there was research, hypotheses and the consequent experiments associated with it. 

After the Masters, I had another big task of finding a proper job. I have written about that saga before. So, it was literally a rat race, catching up to classes, rushing to elementary school/daycare, driving from one end of the town where the Univesity was to the other end of the town, where my daughter's daycare was and then going to my home, which was in the third direction.

So, one day I was going to pick up my daughter from the daycare in my car. I was sitting at a red light for the light to become green. I was sitting there, looking at the life around. It was near to a strip mall, with people going in and out of shops, cars whizzing past in the other directions. People trying to rush before the light becomes red for them. Others from the strip mall coming out to get into their car going somewhere.

In front of me was the evening sky. As it was Autumn (Fall in the U.S.A.), the sky was very nice in color with purplish pink, and light yellow clouds created by the setting Sun. The Sun and the sky were so beautiful. But there was no time for me or others to enjoy the spectacular show nature was bringing in front of our eyes. For me, I had to rush in the next fifteen minutes to the daycare, before it closes. Once it closes, then who ever has their kid is charged per minute. I didn't want to give that extra money. So, my mind was, "Come on, You Redlight! I need to go."That is when I was also seeing the beautiful sky as well.

Then this thought struck me. "Is this all that is there to Life?" Every single person rushing through life as we have to always go somewhere. We are always in a rush or a rat race. Nature was putting on a spectacular show for us at that very minute. But nobody had the 'Eyes' (awareness) to see it. We are always rushing towards our appointments, meetings, engagements, grocery shopping, other shopping, mingling, socializing and just living. That thought really struck me. 'Is this all that is there to Life?' As I had to rush to the daycare, I kept the thought aside and went on my way.

But that thought started to bubble up, once in a while, while I was getting a slight break from the crazy rushed days called Masters of Science (M.S.). So, once in a while I used to think about it. More and more I thought about it, just living every day in a rushed pace started making no sense. 

Why????? Why really? What is the point? If we take birth, grow up, live one way or another, and die. Really, what is the point? What is this, life and living? Didn't make much sense to me. Why am I rushing crazily through traffic lights from one end of the town to another? Why am I sitting till 2am in the morning to finish my project? Why am I writing back to back major exams on the same day? After that particular day, after the exam, while I was walking on ice, I slipped and fell on my face, as well. The question kept on coming. Why? Why? and Why?

After a lot of whys, one day another thought came up. No! This rushed non-sense is not life. There should be more to it. It doesn't make sense to take birth, grow, live someway or another and die. It absolutely didn't make sense to me. I am not getting something here. I started thinking. What is it that is actually in front of my face and I not seeing it?? ( I understand this is heavy duty Philosophy. But somethings you cannot say with a mythological story, but has to be tackled with Philosophy.)

So, what is that I am not seeing? Why in this world people are rushing around like crazy without even having time to look at a beautiful sunset? Why people having every technology in this world, even then end up taking their life without feeling a sense of purpose? Why people are in a constant battle whether it is with religion, politics, belief systems, attitudes or perspectives? Why every night in many houses we sit in front of the TV, while something or other is blaring at us. What is the point of all this, if we are on our slow walk to the grave? What is the meaning?

I was entering into the realm of the Philosophical question, many times humans come face to face with. What is life? What does it mean to be alive? Does it even have a purpose? Why as a soul, we take life and come to Earth? Finally, what is the point?

Secrets, she keeps! Nature does not give away her secrets that easily. It would only be given to the 'deserved.' For that, the soul or the person has to use his/her every faculty they have. They should use their heart, mind, intellect, awareness, intuition and the crystal clear thought process. I was always led to the feeling, "It is there, you are not seeing it. It is there, you are not seeing it." What is it that I am not seeing it? Remember, this was not a few days. It was for months and years. Actually, due to this thought, my brain was frying and smoke was coming through the sides. Sometimes in my frustration, I would leave it aside and say to myself, "Nope, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to see it. Or I don't want to deal with it." I would try to throw it away from my mind.

But, naturally, that too when you are being led to something, it has a way of pushing you. As you are trying to avoid it, you would again circle back to that thought again and again. Like this, it went on for around two to three years. I was at the end of my rope. Then I started feeling, No, humans are not just coming to live like that. There has to be an underlying purpose or meaning. Life shouldn't be a rat race towards death.

Purpose of life: Now, to the next stage. I started now feeling there has to be some purpose. Humans are not coming to the Earth, just to live a mediocre life and die. No. There has to be more to it. Now, the next stage was, what is even the purpose, if there is something? At this stage, one also come face to face with Atheism and Agnosticism. At this time I did come across a few people who tried to make me understand that, "Life has literally no meaning. That is it. Absolutely no meaning. Why find meaning for something, that isn't there?" This is a tough cookie to crack. One would have to defend their belief with all their might. I had a long one-hour argument with one of our dear family friends who happens to be an Athiest. I totally respect the stance they have. We also agreed to disagree.

Even then, I was not ready to leave my pursuit. What is the purpose? Is life Atheism? Agnostic? Fundamentalist? Spiritual? Or life is just life, that is it. But I was not ready to leave it without cracking this puzzle. So, this saga continued for some more time. Then suddenly one day the question popped up, 'Why each human is born with some particular talents, hobbies, or passions?' Why others are not? Why some people use it totally to their advantage and why some people just neglect it?

The funny thing is, I was also trying to mentally find a Guru-Master for myself. I was looking through websites, videos, write-ups, opinions and more. Then one day I came across a video from a Master (As I have no permission, to put the name, I am skipping), to whom a person was asking the question. "Does everyone need a Master and how can one find them?" The perfect question, what I was also searching an answer for. The Master said, "Some find that they would have a Master in their life. For those who cannot find a Master," the Master was directly looking at the camera and said, "They are their own Master, for this life." It was as if the guidance was directly addressed at me. 'They are their own Master, for this life.' It took some time to get in. For the next few months, I was still searching for a Guru.

Inner Power: As I didn't any Guru for myself, I had to figure it out myself. So, after a few months, I came back to the sentence, 'They are their own Master.' So, from this it means I have to inquire to myself, what is the point of life? Because if the Master is myself, I should have the knowledge. But I was feeling a total fool. (Now, also I feel like a total fool many times with Philosophy that too really high aspects of it.)

So, instead of searching books and videos for a Master, I started contemplating, about the big question, "What is life? Why is it even there?  What does it mean?" Step by step I was taken to understand how we can put it into perspective. As this post is already boring, and long let me go to the gist of it.

After a long, painful and brain-frying contemplation, this is how I understand now. I can be wrong, and someone may have another perspective. Now, let us discuss. Each one of us come to this physical realm as a baby and we grow. Many times we have passions and talents we enjoy doing. Sometimes we pursue it and sometimes we leave it.

Let us think, why each one is having very unique talents? What is the use of it? If we are from the same cookie cutter mold, shouldn't we be the same without any difference? Why was Michael Jackson given, music and voice as talent, while Oprah Winfrey was given a listening ear and a compassionate heart? Why was Lincoln given great oratory skills, while Albert Einstein was given a great interest in Science and the Universe? Why?

Why are we made so unique and different? Why? Because whatever is the inborn or hidden talents we have, that is where our true power lies. Our very own authentic power. This power is not because of the wealth we have, the family we were born, the friends we have, the neighborhood we live in, or the people we mingle with. No! All that is external to us. It can be lost from our life or hands at any time.

But the talents (inborn or later developed) is not external. It does not change whether we moved from this neighborhood to that neighborhood. From this country to that country. From this continent to that continent. It does not get lost. Of course, some talents are blaring in our face, some are hidden and has to be found and developed. But the inner power that comes due to our very own talents, that never gets lost as long as we have our mind with us. True inner power or true authentic power!

Power,nature, strength, powerful, authentic, life, path,life-path
True Power -whether our own or nature's is indeed powerful!
Image courtesy -

That is what makes us very unique, whether we are a Scientist, a TV show host, an Orator or a blogger. Our very own inner talents and the passion we feel towards it. Now as I mentioned before, it can be much hidden, latent not at all visible to the person or the people surrounding him/her.

Life-Path: Now how to find it and use it towards our advantage? That is where our 'life path' comes in. This is the path of the optimum energy and least resistance. This is the path we are supposed to take. But then what do, we the humans do? We get into the bandwagon, wherever the society is going. Yes, I also did that for around twenty years. We take the way the society, or our mind or our peers take, whether it is an Engineer, doctor, or a Scientist.

Of course, if someone has a lot of 'people helping' skills, indeed the best place for them is to be a doctor or a psychologist. I am saying about people, who have amazing Math skills, going and studying to become a Piano major. Or a person having a terrific singing ability, trying to become a business analyst. Wherever are our true talents, there lies our true power, from within.

When we start to stand on that true power of talents, we start to feel Strong, Confident and Powerful. Not of the external kind due to our education, family or wealth. But of our true wealth, our talents. It can never be taken away from us. Anywhere we go in this world, it is there with us, always, our true inner power.

Finding that 'inner power' and making it work for our life, in it's truest sense, that is our 'Life Path'. That is indeed our true life path. Now, how to find it? That is what each one of are here to do, in the real deep sense. What are we born to do? Finding that is our duty or Dharma (ultimate duty). Of course, in between we can grow up, study, get an education, get married, have children and live. Yes, nothing is off the table. All that can be done simultaneously. Nobody said anything against that.

But, our very primary purpose as a soul, is to find, 'What are we here to do?' But even before tackling this question, another question pops up in our head. Without answering this question, we cannot proceed an inch. Now, what is that question? Of course the eternal question everyone should and need to ask. 'Who am I?'

That we will discuss next week. Let us finish with a quote.

I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉

Next week: Who am I?
Note: Images from Wikipedia Commons and Swaroopa Blog.

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".  

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©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.


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