Samsara Sagara-The ocean of material existence!

Hello all,

Namaste! Wishing all my blog readers a very happy Navrathri (The nine nights of the Goddess!) May her wisdom flow through our mind. May her sword of intellect cut through our illusion! May her spear of intelligence help to focus our vision sharply on our Dharma! May her rod of guidance help us to navigate through the Maya of the Samsara sagara! Let her divine wisdom prevail!

Hope all of you had a great week, where you were able to pursue exactly what you were meant to do without an eye towards what another is doing. Last week, we discussed how we should develop a vision for our own life. Why should we develop vision- the realm of third eye or Ajna chakra? Isn't it enough to just live a life with an intuition and surrender to the divine?

No, it may not be enough. We may have an attitude that we know very well to live in this material world. But even the enlightened ones like the saints and sages have had a tough time to realize that the material world or Maya has a power that is too great to resist.  This illusion can come in the form of material power, wealth, or even ladies who are capable of seducing someone who is not aware. 

This is the technique Indra, the king of the Devas (celestial beings) used to pursue to make people fall off their pursuance of their purpose. He had some Apsaras (celestial nymphs) who were his court dancers. He used to  command them to go and interrupt people from their purpose (Dharma) or meditation. Shiva is considered as the god who is the yogi or the fully enlightened teacher of all the sages of this world. Even he could not resist the grasp of Maya twice, once with Mohini and another time with Parvathi with the help of Ananga. If he himself could not resist that temptation, think of us the normal beings.

Let us look at one or two stories from Hindu mythology.

Shiva falls for Mohini: This story we have already discussed before. There is a story in Hindu mythology where the God Vishnu took the form of a beautiful goddess Mohini to serve the celestial nectar (Amritha) between Devas and Asuras (not so good celestial beings, Hahaha!) This Mohini transformation was breath taking and the Asuras became mesmerized and in that time Mohini was able to serve the nectar only to the Devas.

Lord Shiva had heard about this celestial beauty of Mohini, and he wanted Vishnu to show him that form. But Vishnu who was aware of the after effects that can happen rejected that proposal. But Shiva was persistent. Vishnu tried his level best to convince Shiva not to fall into the trap. But Shiva just would not listen. Finally, Vishnu relented.

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Shiva enticed with Mohini!
Image credits - Published by P.P.C [Public domain]
The second Vishnu changed into the form of Mohini, the celestial beauty of a Goddess, Shiva forgot who he was- the ascetic incarnate who had no interest in material things and who the saints and sages looked up for guidance. He forgot his own 'Swaroopa'- true nature and started running behind Mohini to marry and be with her. Vishnu realizing the precarious nature of his position, started running as Mohini in double speed. This chase happened for long time, may be for eons in human times.

Finally, Mohini realized there was no other way than to accept Shiva's proposal. That is how the God Ayyappa had his birth. In real sense, Ayyappa has two fathers, even though one is in the form of a mother. Mythology many times brings out real social situations and dynamics, if we have the eye to see. Like this the yogi incarnate fell for the beauty of Mohini and became culprit to the seduction of Maya.

Narada is victimized by Maya: Narada, the sage is considered an ardent devotee of Vishnu. Maya, the illusion is considered the play of Vishnu. Narada, once asked Vishnu to show the magic of Maya. Vishnu was again reluctant. But Narada was stubborn. Finally, the lord relented to the wish of the devotee and agreed. As they were walking through a farm land and the Sun was beating down, Vishnu asked Narada to get a glass of water. Narada started walking towards the nearest house. He too, felt very thirsty and thought of getting two glasses of water.

When Narada reached the nearest house and knocked, the door was opened by the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Forgetting he was a sage, Narada asked the girl to marry him. She obliged. They married and started their married life. Kids were born. They had to be well-educated, brought up and later married. Narada and his wife became engrossed in the worldly duties. The kids became adults, got married and had kids. Narada and wife were happy in the company of kids and grand kids.

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Sage Narada!
Image credits - See page for author
[Public domain]
Once a huge flood happened in the village. Narada tried to save him dear wife, kids, their wives and grandkids. But in the flood everyone was swept away leaving only Narada behind. Narada was heart broken, fell to his knees and cried, "Narayana (another name of Vishnu), what is this play? How can I tolerate this? My whole family is lost. How can I go through this?" and started crying.Hearing his prayers, Vishnu appeared before Narada and asked, "Narada, where is my glass of water? I am so thirsty". Then Narada became aware that he was under the influence of Maya and his wife, kids, grandkids, house hold chores, everything was a divine play of Maya.

Vishwamitra became infatuated with Menaka: Now, to another sage, Vishwamitra. Before becoming a sage, he was a great king called Kaushika. A tussle with the sage Vasishtha made him aware of the great power a sage has and wanted to pursue asceticism. Kaushika left kingship and started his meditation. First he became a Rajarishi- a king who became a Rishi (sage). But he was not satisfied. He wanted to be even greater than that- Brahmarishi. A Rishi who has the creative power as great as Brahma, the creator God.

To acquire this knowledge he started deep and tough penance. Any day anyone starts penance, Indra, the King of the Devas becomes apprehensive. He is worried about his position as the king of Devas and is troubled that the meditating person would acquire his throne. Here, Vishwamitra's penance brough terror to the mind of Indra. He wanted to stop it as soon as possible.

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Viswamitra rejecting Menaka and Shakunthala!
Image credits - See page for author [CC BY 4.0]
He called one of his celestial court dancers called Menaka and asked her to go and dance infront of Vishwamitra to obsrtuct his penance. Vishwamitra was known for his anger. Menaka was apprehensive. But Indra pushed her to do it. With great hesitation Menaka went and tried to wake Vishwamitra from deep meditation. But her dance didn't have much effect on him. He noticed the dance she was doing through his penance. Already he was distracted. She danced and tried to lure him towards her and after a long time Vishwamitra fell for her beauty. Together they had a girl child called Shakunthala. Later Viswamitra rejected Menaka as well as Shakunthala to pursue his penance.

Maya-the seductress: All the three stories were to show the steel grip of the illusion of material existence. Shiva who is the God of all sages, a recluse incarnate fell for the beauty of Mohini. He forgot his status as a yogic god devoid of passion and desires. For sometime he became lulled in the illusion of Maya. Same way Narada and Vishwamitra even being great sages couldn't escape the iron grip of the material existence.

The material and emotional existence of this physical world is called Samsara Sagara. Samsara is the physical realm and sagara is the ocean. A being who has no control of their mind is pulled in many directions either by the desire towards power, wealth and money or desires towards emotions as love and lust. Even in ancient times people had a tough time to control the mind from Maya. 

The stories show even the sages had their face off with Maya and many times they lost to her. Maya is considered as a Goddess, who is so seductive, clueless beings fall for her charm. The Asuras lost the whole deal with Amritha with the introduction of Mohini. Who can concentrate on Amritha (divine wisdom) when such a charm of a lady is around. In the office space, it you have a terrific beauty can you concentrate on your work, is the question.

Isn't the same Maya nowadays working her charm in other ways. We as beings are falling for the lure of phones, modern gadgets, cars and other electronic paraphernalia. In case we are not interested in that, we are interested in money, power and wealth. The question becomes, "How much is enough?" At what point would a being be forced to say, "No more."

If it is in the hands of Maya, a being would never say enough. Here another story comes to mind. In Mahabharatha, the Pandavas, the five brothers sends Krishna as the messenger to their rival cousins Kauravas to deliberate on an agreement. Krishna first asks, "Okay, as per the deal when they lost the chess game, the Pandavas went to forest for thirteen years and also stayed incognito for one year. The Kauravas were not able to find them. Now, give them half the kingdom as was promised if they were not found."

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Krishna and the Pandavas meet Sanjaya, minister
of Dhritharashtra and Kauravas!
Image credits- Ramanarayanadatta astri
[Public domain]
Then Duryodhana, the lead brother of the Kauravas said, "No. I cannot give them half the kingdom". Now, Krishna asked, okay then, give them five principalities. For this again Duryodhana said No. Krishna again came down. "Okay then, give them five villages. They will be happy to have the villages and rule them". The prime brother-No. Then Krishna said. "Okay, let us compromise. Give them five houses. They would be happy just to have the houses. They would not bother you". Duryodhana then with irritation and arrogance of a mad elephant said. "No. I would not give them space to even stick a needle. I won't give them anything".

The ultimate incarnation of greed, jealousy and anger. Even after the Pandavas won their part of the deal, Duryodhana was not ready to compromise. It was not enough for him to have the whole kingdom. In his greed, he was not even ready to forego five houses in his kingdom. This arrogance led to the Kurukshekthra war. The question becomes, how much power and prestige does a being want?

Samsara Sagara: The realm of physical existence. Don't underestimate the power it has and the energy of Maya it encompasses. The energy of the physical realm comes as a seductress to grip us in her silken, smooth, but crocodile hold. We may not even realize we are in her hold. Look at an alcoholic, shopaholic, drug user or a gambler. They keep on doing their stuff with no way to escape the iron grip of the addiction. Same way if we are not aware of the ways this energy works, we would always be in her iron grip.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
The illusion we live in -Maya!
Image credits -
An unaware mind is her paint easel. She uses that mind, playing her tricks to her heart's content. Only Mohini has the power to bring a being out of this unawareness. Mohini was the one distributing the celestial nectar- Amritha- the knowledge of the Self. A mind that has realized the knowledge of the Self or Amritha, realizes the innate divinity in oneself. For such a person, Maya becomes Maya and the truth of the divine speck, Self becomes the truth.

Such a person realizes the difference between the truth and falsehood. Maya or the energy of the material realm is the falsehood that keeps us in a state of stagnant, unawareness. Now, the question becomes, can any being come out of her clutches and realize their divine nature. Yes! But the intentional effort towards this realization needs to be taken. That is the one and only way.

Anyone can take up that task. But who would is the question. That is always the choice and free will of the being!

I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉

Next week: Prakruthi -The nature!

Credits: Images from Wikimedia Commons and


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